Thursday, August 23, 2007

What You Can Do

We will continue to use this site so we can let you know if there is anything you all can do to help. So many have been asking and wanting to help. Here is one thing you can do: Share your memories with us. We would like to put together a little something for the kids so they will always know who their mom was. Any story, significant or not, that just shows who Melinda was. How she made us laugh. How she couldn't fix her short hair. How she helped people. How she talked about her kids. How she wouldn't eat roast, but was too nice to say anything... Truly, we just want your stories. You can post them here and we'll put them together.


Michelle said...

I remember when Melinda got her first mini-van. She was so excited! It cracked me up because I felt like she was way too young to be THAT excited about a mini-van. But she said to me, "Oh, I am NOT your typical mini-van driver. When people pull out in front of me, they think 'oh, it's a mini-van, I can beat it', but I show them! I am definitely NOT your typical mini-van driver!" I can't tell you how many times I have thought of this after getting my mini-van. I would even laugh sometimes after someone would pull out in front of my mini-van. I would say to myself "I am NOT your typical mini-van driver!" Thanks for that Melinda! It makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

On Monday, August 13th, I felt the Holy Spirit telling me to go visit Melinda after I heard she was moved out of ICU and able to have visitors. I am so thankful that I did visit her and will never forget our conversation and her amazing spirit. I brought her flowers but once I saw her I felt that no gift was good enough to give to such a wonderful woman as Melinda. I was there to see her and ask her how she was doing and yet she wanted to know how I was doing. Since the first time I met her at life group, she had always shown genuine concern for me and this day was no different. She was still the same sweet, caring Melinda that she had always been to me, even though I know she felt exhausted. Her face lit up as she shared with me how much fun Mark and she had just recently, on their 10 year wedding anniversary and how special Mark made it for her. It was evident from the look on her face, that Mark made her feel loved and adored. In the midst of unanswered questions and fears, her beautiful spirit remained. Her courageous spirit that day will live with me in my mind and heart forever.

I remember back before Ken and I were married, I asked Melinda if I could talk to her about something that was really bothering me and she of course said yes. We talked in front of Mark and Melinda’s house for about 2 hours. I was trying to make a very important decision and she told me that I am the only one that can make decisions for my life and I am the only one who knows what is best for me and that I shouldn’t make decisions based on what other people think I should do. I needed someone to be honest with me and she was. I am so thankful for her friendship and that she chose to take time and genuinely listen to me that night and on many other occasions. I miss you Melinda.

Amanda Carr